Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Research into the Storyline for my Trailer

I decided that I would create a Horror film trailer as this is a genre I enjoy watching and I feel like I would be able to achieve the best I could by doing this genre. When first coming up with ideas for my trailer, the main idea which stuck out was urban legends. In order for my idea to work I would need to make sure I chose a strong storyline/urban legend to go with. As I had different ideas and didn't know the bets idea to go with, the best idea was to create an online survey for people to fill out. I did this by creating a survey on survey monkey and I have created a separate post which contains the link to this in which people can go onto and fill out. By doing this I would be doing market research and I will be able to find out what the target market want most/like the most. In the survey I have included typical questions such as age and gender and favourite type of genre. However, I have also included different questions to help me with deciding on an idea for my trailer. I have included a question  about different urban legends and which one would be more appealing to the person and have also added questions such as what appeals to you in a horror film and what don't you like to see in a horror film, by doing this I will be able to find out what my target audience want from a horror film and this will allow me to make a good trailer.

I have already experienced some difficulties with the making of the trailer at the start. I first had to think of a solid idea which took a lot of thinking as I knew it had to be a strong idea to make sure my trailer is good. I also, to carry on any further needed to do market research which I am in the process of comparing the results from the survey. After this I thought I was in a strong position but once I had got feedback from my teacher it was clear that I hadn't thought out the whole storyline. I am only making a trailer therefore I will not have all the filming footage from a whole film however, with the trailer it needs to have a storyline to make sense and to grab the viewer's attention and I had just thought of various idea's to have in my trailer and not thought about what the storyline will be and what would happen if I was to make the actual film. In order for the trailer to be successful I need to make sure I fully understand the storyline and to do this I need to have an idea of what will happen in the film. After receiving feedback I also realised that my initially idea for my trailer was very stereotypical and if I just carried on with that idea lone it would be very predictable and probably wouldn't gain the attention of my target audience. From this, I am now in the process of thinking of new ideas to add to the one I have now. I need something that will stand out in my trailer that is not typically done and will grab my viewer's attention, to do this I will need to think of an un original idea which will still keep my film in the horror genre but will bring something new to it. As I need to know overall storyline for the trailer, I will need to plan out what will happen in the film, that meaning I will need to think of more ideas to make sure the trailer is a success.

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